Sunday, June 29, 2008" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=1657324662889841914&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

Tim McGraw is a hottie :)

So this was the week of concerts for me. If Jordan Sparks wasn't fun enough Tim McGraw tops it all. We got way close seats and it was so LOUD! I loved it. so so so much fun. He is awesome!

Amy and Tim WALKER

Amy love and tim got hitched and it was such a beautiful wedding!! The best! I love my friends, BJ sang Butterfly Kisses and the choir crew sand a song with amy and tim.
I am so so happy for you guys!

Jordan Sparks

I went to the Jordan Sparks last week and it was a blast. She is so good and I love her CD. The funniest moment of the whole concert is when Jamie got called up to sing with Jordan. It was fun to be there. I went with Brandon Garrett and his fam. The concert was awesome and so were the Dippin Dots he he!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Playing with the peeps!

The Wednesday I got home from texas I didn't have to work beause my friend wanted to work so I decided to take advantage of the free night! I picked up joylyn and we ran around for a while and then we met kerstin at the OG (olive garden) for some "roomie" reunited fun! It was a plus that Bj works there and we got to tease him a lot. Love you man! It was awesome, we got all sorts of free food from the manager (because the took forever on Joylyn's pizza) and if it weren't for Bj's close watch I would have been given an alchoholic Virgin Margaritta. (come on beej you ruin all my fun jk.) Its a good thing he caught it because I was the one driving and that could have been scary. After we left the OG we went and played with Jessica for a litle while waiting for the beej to get off work. We drove around on the scooter and even managed to pick up Ben somehow! he he Actually we wanted to put food in ben's fridge (I guess living close to the OG has its perks, you get invited by default ...jk ben). Anyway after running around on the scooter and driving each others cars we all went to drapers (Jessica's) to watch a movie! I ended up sleeping over and left in the morning after my mom called me and woke me up .... :) It was so fun ... I love you guys!!!!!

Tour to texas

So ... I was lucky enough to go on tour with the Utah Valley Children's choir to texas. We went to Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. It was so good for me to get away from my everday life and be around children who truely sound like Angels! They have such an amazing peace about them and it made me so happy! Anyway... We got to take pics by the temple in Montecello (in utah) and then it was on to Bolder colorado where you see me jumping (I owned you bolder haha). The next pic is of me and my host sister megan. She was so cute! Her dad called her Meggie and it made me miss my daddy. I stayed with the Bush family. They are the nicest people. They have three kids...Carson, Megan, and Emma. I was staying in the nursury (no i didn't sleep in the crib lol) I loved texas and contimplated just hiding so I would be left there! The next pic is me and chelsea behind the Alamo. That was pretty fun. I got a gaurd mad at me though for taking pics in the gift shop... who cares about the stinkin gift shop... grrr! He made me delete my picture before he would leave me alone. The gardens were so pretty and we took a million pics of a huge orange fish... He was a show-off! The last pic is the sunset in New mexico!! How BEAUTIFUL is that? It made the bus ride home worth staying awake for. The coolest part is I got to see the sunset in New Mexico and woke up to the sunrise in Utah! Anyway it was a great trip and I'm glad to be sleeping in my bed instead of the bus. :)